Axe Transverse Calcul Scientifique

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De Axe Transverse Calcul Scientifique
Révision datée du 18 mars 2016 à 11:48 par Pimmel (discussion | contributions) (Pimmel a déplacé la page Downloads vers Download sans laisser de redirection)
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The Rapsodia tool is the result of a collaboration between

  • Isabelle Charpentier as of March 2014 at Icube (previously at LEM3) and
  • Jean Utke until March 2014 at the Mathematics and Computer Science Division (MCS) of Argonne National Laboratory.

Rapsodia is intended for the computation of higher order derivative information of numerical models written in Fortran, C or C++ by automatic differentiation. Rapsodia consists of two parts:

  • A Python-based code generator that produces a C++ or Fortran library for the propagation of univariate Taylor polynomials for a given derivative order and number of directions. The code generator relies on inlining and loop unrolling to aid subsequent compiler optimization.
  • Implementations of the algorithm that interpolates derivative tensor entries from Taylor polynomial coefficients provided for both, C++ and Fortran.

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